
Showing posts from April, 2020

Tips on Brewing Organic Kombucha

Looking for tips on brewing Organic Kombucha ? If you are a "go-getter" and think you can come up with a great brew every time, I have some bad news for you. Unless you learn how to do it right, your batch will be "green." What is green? This is not a proper descriptor but more of a reaction between the sugars in the brew and the natural pH of the drink. Visit As you know, the process of fermentation begins when yeasts make an alcohol called Acetobacter. But this fermentation is not the most efficient way to make this beverage. The bacteria need something in order to do their work. A vital part of the process is an essential metabolic enzyme known as the anisidine dehydrogenase. These are the enzymes responsible for converting Acetobacter to ethanol. Now that we have this knowledge, we can make better Kombucha. First we will look at...